Sunday, May 27, 2012

LCD Perception

I think that some of the greatest inventions have  come from studying human anatomy and biology.  Through the study of these things, we can see how God structured everything on this earth, and how it all works.  When I was reading up on LCD tvs, I had learned that the way the tv works is very simple.  The tv is filled with liquid crystals.  When the tv is turned on, electrical charges get sent through the tv to each one of these crystals causing a reflection of light.  I found this very interesting because I think that everything that we see is a reflection of light.  The tv mimics how we perceive the world with our eyes, and with a little understanding, we were able to create it in the physical plane.

Everything that we see is color.  Color is simply a reflection of white light, meaning light reflects off a given surface at a different wave length causing our eyes to see a different colors.  Thats the beautiful illusion to life, literally, everything is just white light.  Just understand that everything on this earth is made up of the same thing, atoms.  All these atoms are simply just reflecting light so that we may conceive all of this.  Luke 17:21 in the bible says  , "The Kingdom is within you".  When I read this, I was very confused , I thought, how is it that the kingdom is within us?  Then, it hit me that we are all just white light, all just a reflection, we are always one with God, never separated.  When you start to think about that, then I'm just like well the only way that we even know we have a brain is because we can see it, but think about it, our eyes don't see anything, our eyes send a signal to our brain to tell us what we see.  Hmmm.  So if we just see our brain and thats how we know what is and how we know we have one and really our brain is interpreting what we see with our eyes, then what really is the brain?  What really is all this?  Do you know what it means to live your dreams?  You can see life however you want to see it, always remember that.  Just be happy, and be who you want to become, and you will start to shape your surroundings and it will become the place that you want it to become.

Back to the tv though, as you can see, the tv really does mimic our perception of the world, by understanding the reflection of light, and putting it into physical form.  All we have to do is look around us and study how God created things, then we can start to re create these things in the physical plane.  After all, God creates and created everything of the past, present, and the future, so none of our inventions are really ours, we simply mimic.

Be Creative

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